Analysis of 'Suffragette'
Analysis of 'Suffragette'
In this movie, the narrative portrays to the audience that the story of The Suffragette Movement is told through the eyes of one the main characters named 'Maud Watts'. Throughout the duration of the movie, it shows us how Maud isn't connected with The Suffragette Movement to begin with, however as the movie continues, it shows us that Maud slowly becomes interactive with The Suffragette Movement and eventually stands up for it.
As the movie is told through the eyes of Maud, the voice-over was effective as it gives information to the audience of her personal experience during The Suffragette Movement. It is also an example of non-diegetic sound used throughout the movie.
On the other hand, diegetic sounds were used during high tension scenes in the movie. For example when the large crowd of women (suffragettes) began to protest outside Parliament by fighting with authorities and shouting/screaming. This scene keeps the audience engaged as many things are happening in the scene as women have one-on-one fights with policemen in such a small part of the road.
In this screenshot, the use of colour (which is blue) connotes that Maud's place of work is dull, boring, not an interesting place to work at and is not welcoming. Additionally, it also suggests to the audience that Maud is not happy working at the factory. However, she has no choice because if she didn't work, she wouldn't be able to help support her child and husband with daily necessities.
Additionally, the colour purple connotes feminism and sophistication which is what the women in this screenshot appear to be portraying through their use of body language.
Technical Codes
Within the use of technical codes appears the phrase 'Camera Shots'. In this movie camera shots are used effectively as a wide range of them are used such as mid-shots, close-ups and long shots to show different areas of scenes within the movie such as the landscape/background, facial expressions of the characters and body language.

The women show that they are responding by clenching their hands, straining their eyes and raising their chins in shock and aggression suggesting to the audience they are rejecting what someone has said.
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