Helicopter Police Officer Could Be Jailed For Filming Page Three Girl Naked

News story from the 'Daily Mail', published and updated on the 21st September 2015.

By Richard Spillett

A former 49-Year old former helicopter police officer is currently facing a criminal investigation over witnesses have claimed he purposely filmed a sunbathing model from his aircraft. 

Mr. Pogmore has been questioned over the footage of the sunbathing model after evidence was found in his home. 

The father of two was fired after apparently claims were released saying that Pogmore was using a thermal imaging camera whilst on the police helicopter. It is understood that the South Yorkshire Police state that the thermal camera system is the most expensive worldwide as it is used to 'search open areas, both rural and urban, not only to trace offenders but to locate missing persons resulting in numerous lives saved'. 

What do I think about this news story?

What I think about this online newspaper story published by the Daily Mail and author Richard Spillett is that the heading is intriguing and eye-catching for the reader as the reader would be shocked by the police officer's actions and attitude. 

Additionally, what I also think is that the reader would expect a man who has a police officer role and of a certain age to have much more respect for a woman's privacy even though she's a page three girl. I and the reader would also expect the Adrian to have much more respect for himself, the equipment and overall the South Yorkshire Police Force.

Astrid Okelo


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